Weeknotes, Friday 14 February
Back at it after a lovely holiday in Fuerteventura, which featured lots of adorable donkeys and goats.
Lots of ups and downs this week, but feeling super grateful to have fantastic, supportive colleagues.
Children and families discovery kick off
Great kick off for a new piece of working looking at referrals into children and families. Some super smart service design and user research colleagues on the team, so interesting questions coming thick and fast.
People have highlighted not focussing too much on one particular touchpoint — in this case there’s a form and bit of web content which has obvious room for improvement, but might not be the main reason for ‘no further action’ referrals. Excited to start this work!
Form complications
A bit of a stop start feeling this week — I made an assumption that a particular forms tool was available for us to use, as it’s in our CMS. But it turns out there are a few things to do with data and where it’s stored that aren’t worked out yet. Although looks like we’re getting there.
On the bright side work on this will hopefully make it clearer if this is a viable tool for us to use in future.
Difficult conversations
One difficult conversation this week, which I won’t give detail on. But was really great to rally with two of my colleagues who were on the call and experienced the same, erm, situation. We banded together and supported each other, and things are in a much better place by Friday. Feeling grateful and positive.
Cowards, Squid (album)
Glutton For Punishment, Heartworms (album)
Went to see ‘Better Man’ in the cinema, the one about Robbie Williams but he’s a monkey — and it’s absolutely fantastic.
All music biopics should be like this — representative rather than going through the artist’s Wikipedia page. Through CGI monkeys, you viscerally felt the feelings of stage fright and self doubt.